Saturday, October 19, 2019

8 Ways to Rebuild Your Belief System and Create a Legacy

I was given Nya's Project in phases.  At one point I thought each phase was several different businesses.  I didn't realize until a couple years later that every little business journey I had taken on was actually pieces of one business, Nya's Project.

I'm a motivator, spiritualist, coach, mentor, and a MAD Educationalist.  Whenever someone said take this or that class, I was pretty much there.  I definitely believed if you learn something, anything, you'll always make money and for me, learning also brings me JOY.

This has served me true til this very day.  However, now that I've worked for Uncle Sam my whole life, while using my education of course, I am learning how to use everything I've done and learned to make money by working for ME.  You see working for people keep you in a mind-set of working hard...very hard and playing it safe.  They want to keep you in the mind-set of being like everyone else.  GET OUT NOW!

Here is what I have found out about everyone else with that mind-set, eventually you die without ever really living.

8 Ways to Rebuild Your Belief System and Create a Legacy

1.  Establish the principle

What is a principle?

Here is the definition I have and want you to make your own.  A principle is a declaration of truth proceeded by a manifestation of power.  

You are going to have to declare somethings over your life and over your business.  Do you have a declaration over your life?  I had one when I worked for Uncle Sam.  In fact, I had several declarations that were instilled in me by my parents and by those who wanted me to give all of me to make money for them.  I won't go into those declarations because you all have heard them many times before.  I'm more concerned with what I'm saying now.

What is your declaration of truth over your life?  Here, let me help you.  You must state, "I am building my fortune through my brilliance.  I am paving the way for my children through my brilliance."  

You must ask yourself what area(s) are you brilliant in.  Don't think too deeply cause there are so many things.  Trust yourself.  For example, how long have you been sewing, cooking, cleaning, writing, singing, dancing, etc.?  How many times have you been asked to do a particular thing?  For example, I have a friend that every time we would want to do something...anything, she'd take out a pen and a pad to take notes.  She'd always refer to the notes whenever we'd bring up whatever subject at that particular time.

Jeez!  Of course we all would make fun of her.  He who laughs, laughs last.  My girlfriend has a great niche.  Those notes became a thing we needed to make life better when she wasn't there to pull them out.  Really!  I never ever thought I'd say how much I truly admire that part of her.  I took her gift for granted because she gave that part of her freely.  Her great niche is called organization.  She's an organizer, a hot commodity.  There are so many people looking for people like her.  There are people who make bank because they are organized and bring organization into the lives of people who aren't.

I'd pay!  Especially now that I know how it feels living life without her around.
You have always been powerful in some shape, form, or fashion just like my good good girlfriend.  Everyone you surround yourself with knows it.  For some reason or another, you have not been getting paid for it.

2.  Truly try to understand WHY you haven't been getting paid for your brilliance.

Why?  I'm not here to blow smoke.  I'm going to tell you the TRUTH even if you do not tell yourself the truth.  I'll even say maybe you just do not know the truth.  No, if you are reading this, you are aware of the truth.  You've even accepted the truth.  You are reading this because you are ready to strategize and implement.


Now back to your why.

Your why is based on some belief system that you do not feel you bring value.

BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I said it.

Next, is it safe to say you've been taught some where along the way that it is wrong to ask for payment? OR for some reason your time should be given with no complaints or questions because truly you'd do what you do whether you are paid or not hmmmmmmm.

You haven't been getting paid for what you know and bring to the table because you don't want to lose friends or family but you secretly complain about it. You tell yourself that God will take care of you even while YOU allow people to treat you the way you treat yourself.  Remember, you are the one who does not believe your so called brilliance has no value.  It's just a talent.  It's a great gift from God that's given to you to spread cheer to others and so on and so forth.

Honey pie, sugah foot, God will or will not do according to what you allow.  You set the tone for how others treat you, view you, value you. You have freedom of choice.  You chose to devalue YOU.  Even God will not override the freedom of choice he gave you.  It's like gravity.  You go near a ledge, trip over it OR decide to take a leap, gravity allows your sweet self to hit something or someone.  It's going to happen whether you are sweet OR an ass.

Here is another thing I'll add but will not spend too much time on.  Are you guilty of getting an attitude at others who choose to value their brilliance?  Do you harbor ill feelings towards others who charge you and charge what they feel it's worth even if you do not?  Do you say well, I'm not going to charge anyone for what I can easily do.  Well, my friend, if it was so easy then why did they come to you to get it done?  Check this out.  It's easy for you to do it because you have the passion.  You have the brilliance.  You probably could do it in your sleep and wake up like you didn't miss snore.  Instead of not getting paid for this reason, this is the reason you should.

What is your why?

3.  Trust that You are all Knowing and POWERFUL

There are four phases to becoming "all knowing and powerful":

If you would like to continue reading, comment below.  I'll send you the details.  Thank you for opening the door to a new belief system and creating your legacy.

1 comment:

  1. These are some very strong words and have given me food for thought. Thank you for sharing
